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SiMpLy mE...:

Friday, December 12, 2008

good evening! i'm sO glad it's friday, yOu... i got alot done today, cards made Out,tissue holders made, and Christmas bulbs done for the lady's at Dennis's work they turned out pretty good being my first time making them... pictured below =)


i used some colorful paint's, just simply pour in your paint's 2or3 colors & shake them until there all covered & here's what you will get. 100_1231  100_1229 100_1230100_1232

i think they turned out cute, i just put alittle paper in the bag & topped it with some cute paper and Merry Christmas! Those are some pretty lucky lady's i'd say! have a great week-end, i don't plan on posting saturday or sunday I'll be busy cleaning house. bye for now!


  1. I made a set of red & black ones for a girlfriend of mine who was doing red & black this Christmas. I think she will love them, just as those ladies will love theirs! Cute packaging idea!

  2. You are so talented. They turned out so pretty, very lucky ladies indeed!

  3. Those turned out so cute. I have made those with the kids. I love the way you packaged them!!!


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