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SiMpLy mE...:

Monday, November 10, 2008

SeW EaSy... I've never claimed to be much of a sewer, but this one I could handle. Little cubbies for your tissues, Thanks to (Little bit Funky blog)... get your favorite fabric and your off!100_1086

I made my own template 4in X 5  1/4  


cut out 4 squares...100_1088 

take 2 squares lay them back to back...100_1089 


take 2 more squares...

fold those 2 in half, and butt them up side by side100_1092100_1091

sew along all edges...100_1118

turn inside out...100_1119

and there you have it, a cute little cubbie for your tissues, great for a teachers gift or someone at church or whomever... I think I'll attach a cute note with mine saying Bless You! Have a great day and hope to see you soon...                                  SiMpLe Me   


  1. okay... IMPRESSED... sew neat!

    the sewing machine & i... we don't go very well together...
    C L U E L E S S!

    i was just saying the other day... that is somehting i REALLY want to learn! there is a class somewhere with my name on it! :)

  2. too cute and love the note attached idea!!! so sweet!!!!

  3. Too cute, but this would not be possible for me...even if I did have a sewing machine.

    One of my goals in life is to learn how to sew a button on. Once I do that, maybe I'll graduate to this. ;)

  4. I am impressed, they turned out very have great sewing skills ....I can hardly sew on a button

  5. You made that look very easy!! Love it!! That fabric is to die for...

    ~Jill :)

  6. This is a cute idea :) thanks for sharing it. I'm wondering how much do you allow on the side when you're sewing it up? or do you just go by the width of the foot-thingy? (I am SO not the seamstress but I know how to make simple things lol I just don't know all the terminology!)


Leave me a love note, won't you!