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SiMpLy mE...:

Saturday, October 18, 2008



  1. Dear Lanny you are a awesome neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love,SARA!!!!

  2. Thank you! Miss Sara I feel the same way about you :o) I'll see you tomorrow I'm sure. Did your Mom get home from the mall yet?

    LaNnY ;)

  3. Little Lanny,
    I just saw your pirate notebook, love it, had to have it, bought it......yea for me...

  4. Yes Lanny I will leave you a love note!!! Also my MoM did get home from the mall!! at like 7:30 I said "what took you so long" I guess she did not really care what took her so long. well any way before she got home I wrote you that note.So I did not see you yet today but mabey I might see you later!!! your neigbor SARA

  5. I love pumpkins... especially the mini ones!!


Leave me a love note, won't you!