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SiMpLy mE...: Mmmmm

Sunday, October 19, 2008




  1. Hey Lanny it's Nate next door.Sara told me how to go here so I will be going here often.Me,Sara,and Olivia like your blog its cool. Thanks for the potato soup I didnt eat it but my mom and dad love it!!See you later.

  2. yum yum that looks good. Too bad its still in the 90' s here in Texas we are still drinking iced beverages....

  3. i NEED that! YUMMO!

    BiG happy Monday to you too Lanny!
    :0 )

  4. Ohh! Is that for me? Thanks, I needed that! I found you through Heidi at Mt. Hope C. I saw your awesome profile picture and had come check out who the cool picture belonged to. Your very creative and I love the personality in your pic.

    Have a nice day!

  5. I bought my stuff to make my ghost pops today!! Can't wait to pass them out next week at swim team ... as we cannot have ANY candy in treat bags at school this year.

  6. Oh yum!! I could use that right now and it's 6:00 in the evening!! I need a pick me up!! Love your new pumpkins on your header!! Cute!!

    ~Jill :)


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