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SiMpLy mE...:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

a little valentine's going on over here, a very little :)100_1364

even the fairies are in on the action!100_1363

Have a Happy Day!            SiMpLy mE :)



  1. so cute!...I have never really decorated for Valentines Day, but that is too cute!

  2. I feel left out! I need to craft! Okay- I am asking where you got your fairy door... please tell me you purchased it at a store that sells them on line!! cause i need one! I am blue today cause my espresso machine broke this afternoon my signature disappeared from blogger!!! and I have to send the espresso machine to NY to get it fixed- for real!! Oh my gosh! So I need retail therapy to make me feel better!!!

  3. cute!! I love that heart banner!
    -sandy toe

  4. Hi there Miss Lulu... I just loved saying that just makes me smile! Wish I had a cool name.. Susan... sounds like an old lady!
    Anyway... lovin' your sweet decorations..that fairy door..ADORABLE~

  5. cute idea n the fairy door. i need to put something from the dot where the wreath was. :)

  6. our fairies want to come live at your house!

    look at their door... i better get to fluffing our little fairy door too! :)

  7. i haven't seen the fairy door in so long that i almost forgot about them. adorable door decoration little fairies.

  8. Hi Lanny! Just checking in and getting caught up! I love all of your Valentine's decor! I got a few things up myself, but it doesn't look as pretty as yours...

    By the way, your fairy door looks adorable. Don't you love having one?!


  9. I love the fairy door as well. I will have to get one of those to allow all the faries access to my house. Do they clean up for you? I could use that. :-)


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