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SiMpLy mE...: 4.19.2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Good Saturday morn'in to ya! well today I need to get busy around here, cleaning, organizing and well, who knows what else... But first a cup of my favorite tea, I'm a tea drinker, not to keen on coffee. Hope you enjoy your day and week~end, well off to clean hope to see you back next~week!                     100_0177

Take a look at my new blog link Relish, very cool stuff to look at...             Hugs!


  1. Funny...I just sat down with my mornong cup of tea and linked over to your blog!! Great minds...

    Love that cupcake post. I think I might (someday) try that corn cupcake idea. Thanks for the inspiration!!


  2. happy saturday to you too...

    and a bucket full of hugs! :)

  3. A girl after my own heart, I love french vanilla tea and i love splenda....You even talk about cupcakes....What more can a girl want....


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