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SiMpLy mE...: 3.10.2008 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

3.10.2008 AM

Good Morning, I sitting here and it's about 11:30am, I'm watching the View and not feeling to good, yesterday either. Missed work yesterday and missed a fun day out with family today, sorry family maybe next time. Hope you had a good time anyway. The rest of the week,well tomorrow being friday already, I'm going to finish up on my little friends room, I can't wait for you all to see it, it's sooo cute. I plan on posting before & after pictures this week~end so be watching. Well I'm off to go lay down again and hopefully get up later and take a nice long bubble bath. Hope you all have a good day! Hugs...   SP_Promise_SwirlieStamp


  1. oh man!!!! i'm so sorry to hear your feeling under the weather!

    may you have a speedy recovery! big hugs!

  2. Get well, Lanny! We look forward to seeing your before/after pics.
    ~Jill :)


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