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SiMpLy mE...:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

yO... what a lazy day for me :) it's now 5:15pm and I'm still in my pj's and I'm staying in them why get dressed now!   


i shouldn't say a lazy day i/we got alot done but at our own pace! I'm thinking, tomorrow  going to the second hand store and looking for a old table or door, what i'd like to do is make me up a big crafting station i have the room so why not, my crafts are all over the house here & there and it's driving me NUTS... i'd like to have it all in one place i'm sure you understand, now i have to convince my hubby he'll say another table ! maybe i won't tell him until i buy it... so wish me luck :) hope you all had a wonderful day & i'll keep you pOsted on the table thing! bye for now. 


  1. Your little house shoes look comfy!!!

  2. You can never have enough table space for crafts and fun stuff! Good luck on your hunt.

  3. sounds like an awesome idea to me!

    make that baby BIG... never enough room!

    here's to finding JUST the perfect thing!

  4. I wish I could stay in my jammies all day! I always have somewhere I have to run, a kiddo to drop off/pick up, etc. How nice it would be...

    Oodles of luck finding THE table!

  5. yay for comfy days at home... wish i had about 3 more weekend days to enjoy!


  6. hope you find one! Can't wait to see.

  7. the cat... i put an "update" at the bottom of that post the other day... i just know she is home! :)

    any luck on a table?


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