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SiMpLy mE...:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy hOlidays & i want my kitchen back... that's the name of this pOst! i really can't believe i'm showing you this but here goes...100_1275  100_1276 100_1277 100_1281 100_1284100_1290

well as you can tell these are the before's we had about 25 over Christmas day, don't get me wrong we had a wonderful day and all, but the after affects get me every year! but if you know me by now,you know i love cleaning!        100_1294100_1295100_1296

all better... we ate downstairs but for some odd reason it was just as messy up here! Hmmm... come on back tomorrow and I'll show you some nice picture's :) have a great night! I keep telling myself only once a year Lanny only once a year...


  1. look at those before and after shots!!!!

    nice work my friend!

    happiest holidays!

  2. LOL Love it. Love to see the realness of others. Thanks for sharing.

  3. my house still looks like your before pictures! :)
    it seems like a constant mess here!
    oh the fun! i AM getting some done today!

    i really still want to come to your home!


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