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SiMpLy mE...:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

good afternoon, something happened to all of our snOw,it now 40 degrees & now it's raining! I'm trying not to let it get me down! but it sure looks like Christmas in the house, the tree is all done and the gifts are wrapped what more could you ask for!100_1212


our tree is much prettier in real life but I thought I better show you anyway's! I know you won't let me go on that one (right)... I'm showing you this gift for my neighbor because she doesn't look at my blog, I know she's missing out LOL... 100_1208     

I brought these after Christmas last year the plate was 29.99 & the glasses were 18.99 and I got them all for 12.00 bucks! thank you very much!


the cookies on top I brought this year! good thing. Oh yes I put this in the tree, it's hiding!100_1213

my good friend Dianne give this to me last year or maybe two years ago Hmmm,  I'll have to ask her! but any'who hope you enjoyed my picture's and I so wish all my blogging friends could come over for a little get together wouldn't that be so much FUN! maybe someday, hey it's beginning to snow! Have a great night, SiMpLy Me =)    


  1. Love the picture of cute!
    The cookies and plate idea is a good creative you are to buy ahead... I can never "get it all together" a year in advance.
    Happy Holidays,

  2. Pretty tree - you must feel good having everything done!

  3. I just love your tree!!!

    It's so fun to see the little thoughtful gifts you are giving your mailman/neighbor/etc...

    :) you're so darn cute!

  4. love the cookies idea...oh and your tree! doesn't the season bring such wonderful blessings!

  5. Your tree is cute! I love the snowman plates & glasses! If I collected snowman, I might have to rip them off her! :p Kudos to you for getting shopping done in advance! I never have enough money to do it in advance. One day that will change!

    A Christmas Blogger get-together would be such fun!

  6. Your tree is beautiful. It looks fantastic from were I'm sitting!!! Hey I want to be your neighbor.. that looks yummy. :o) have a cozy evening!!!!
    Smiles your way,

  7. i LOVE... LOVE your tree... my favorite are the skinny tall ones... MAJOR personality there!

    and those eggs... really cute!

    okay... those cookies just gave me a sweet tooth... hmmm.. what can i find...


  8. found something... YES... just ate a mini Hershey's! :)

  9. sweet. i love the tree its darling.....


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