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SiMpLy mE...:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good Evening!  wow what a Halloween, we had about 130 kids, and I'm here to say I'm glad it's over, we had alot of little ones but we also had alot of bigger kids too! and you know you have to give to them too! here are afew picture's from last night, hope you enjoy!      100_1105

These were the first one's at the door, there Grandma lives next~door and they wanted to come here first! Hmmm.100_1107

And these two, were  here once before today! IMG_7256

Trick or treat they yelled! the little girl and the pink was looking to see where Gus was...IMG_7258

Candy check~glow stick~check...IMG_7259

I'm off to go trick or treating! hip hip hooray!IMG_7267

Howdy partner, may I have some candy ?IMG_7270 

Fireman, policeman, and a duck hunter, Oh my!IMG_7274 

Off they go to save the world! I mean get more candy!IMG_7281

The little guy in the middle gave us all a kiss, a real kiss.IMG_7294 

Self serve !


Looking in...


I don't even know who this girl is !!!IMG_7324

Off to more houses for more candy Yum! Hope you enjoyed and don't forget time changes tonight fall back! see you soon and thanks for your visit...               Simply Me


  1. oh! it looks like you had a great night! fun pictures!!!!

  2. Wonderful pictures! Looks and sounds like Halloween was a great success!!

    Yea! An extra hour of sleep, which I desperately need.

  3. Looks like you had fun. I love the little superman.....

  4. it looks so nice out. We usually have really cold weather.
    All the fun costumes.

  5. Looks like a successful night! What great pics! :)

    Love "that girl's" mask ;) ha! :) fancypants!

    :) have a great day!

  6. The pictures are so cute! Kids make Halloween one of the best little holidays.

  7. you had a TON of kiddos... how fun is that... AND could they be any cuter! i love that you got pics of the treaters coming by... and of course they came back by... they wanted more of your coll goodie bags! :)

    finally back from Denver... fun but... i am one tired chick! yes... Shawn IS working on my blog... do you see my smile... my gosh i love her... she sure knows her stuff! incredible!



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