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SiMpLy mE...: 3.24.2008 It's all about the Smell.

Monday, March 24, 2008

3.24.2008 It's all about the Smell.

Well, don't know if you have tried any of the products with Febreze in them, but I'm here to say I have and I love them... The febreze spray is great, I use the Linen & sky scent and now Mr. Clean ( the second man in my life)... Has febreze in his products, and downy also has it in there fabric softener. I've tried all of them, because I love to clean, no really, I do just ask anyone who knows me.  So if your thinking about trying any of these, you have my ok! Thanks again for visiting. Lanny... This posting is dedicated To my friend Mary.

febreze3  300  new_meraser_ffs 51KmhaPbeaL__SS500_Have a great Day!



  1. lanny
    oh i so love your new design! what a fresh & fun new look!

    those dad gum magic eraser sponges are incredible! how they do it... magic i guess!

    thanks for the great tips again... i love smell goods!

    Rob Bell... I would love to be so close over there... his messages are truly inspiring!

  2. What a gorgeous blog!! I am so happy you led me here...!!

    Yours is meant to be shared...I'm off to add you to my links!


  3. This is my all time favorite blog.

    Keep up the great blogging!


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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