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SiMpLy mE...: 2.23.2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Good evening, it's about 9-ish and just watching matchstick man,with my honey next to me sound asleep and my other honey at the end of the bed sound asleep. Life is good... Got a gift idea for you, under 10 bucks! great for birthdays, any holidays etc. Took pictures with my new camera I got yesterday, I've been waiting to get a new one, as I said before my other one went bye-bye...Hope you enjoy, and use this idea to make your life a little easier. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning! Thanks for your visit. Lanny100_0004 100_0006 100_0005 100_0007100_0008100_0009100_0010

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Leave me a love note, won't you!