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SiMpLy mE...:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Evening! Thank You all for entering the giveaway I’m sorry only one of you could win, your answers were all so great :) now I’ll tell you my favorite part of my kitchen well I’ll show you!IMG_7561

first my Martha Stewart kitchen table! I love it and it even has a drawer, it very farm house ;)IMG_7562

and my lighted cabinet we don’t have it on a lot but it’s there if we want!


and yes the mixer, been using that a lot !IMG_7564

and the EAT letters aren’t they fun…IMG_7565

and yes everyone needs one of these a JUNK station… a little of this & that…IMG_7567

and that cute little lamp now this is on a lot! well I’m sure your wondering who won the giveaway, see I kept you guessing! and the winner is BLISSFUL BABE! just shoot me over in e-mail and I’ll send you your gift :) and once again thank you all for playing, have a wonderful evening!


  1. i love how wHitE your kitchen is! so shiny clean looking! i love the table and the lit cabinets and especially the crystal lamp! i better go clean mine up now! ;)

  2. LOVE your kitchen!

  3. i think everytime i see your kitchen i love it even more! very pretty... very fun!

    congrats to miss blissful babe... she's a babe!

  4. What a wonderful table and the lights in your cabinet are perfect.
    Congrats to your winner ;)!
    sandy toe

  5. Yea to the winner!! biG thank you for giving me a peak at your darling kitchen. Table... dreamy, cabinet... glass doors are my favorite ... lamp I would have it on too... gotta love our kitchen aide wouldn't know what to do without it!
    Charming kitchen... just like You!!

  6. HOLY HANNAH!!!!!!

    YAY TO ME!!!!

    I winned! I winned!! (something my kiddo used to say!)

    *squeals* YAY!!

    I would like to thank everyone who made this possible... LANNY!!! YAY YOU!!

    I just love your show. :P
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  7. congrats!!!!
    love your kitchen!!!!!
    did you make the eat letters????

  8. I love your Martha Stewart table, you have a very nice kitchen!

  9. I love your kitchen!

    The Martha Stewart table is Fabulous!!

    How have you been?


  10. Your kitchen is SO cute! So crisp and white!

  11. I love your kitchen, so classic! We are in the middle of the planning stages for a total kitchen remodel, including tearing down walls, ahhh! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  12. you have a beautiful kitchen.

  13. Thanks for stopping by our blog. We love yours!
    Oh, and absolutely love the EAT letters.
    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters


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